Michael Jackson was not only a music legend, but a style icon as well, whether it was his famous glitter glove; his red leather jacket from "Thriller"; the famous black hat and his black pencil pants combo'd with his white socks and black loafers; the black raybans. It all became the rage at one point in time, as fans around the globe wanted to look and be like Michael Jackson; in any way they could. I mean, he was only le King of Pop, of course!
But then came the controversy- True MJ fans supported the King of Pop through the good, the bad and the ugly. Sure MJ got a little kookie for a while (we're not afraid or ashamed to admit that!); however the deep rooted love and commitment his fans held and continue to hold even after his passing, is proof that this individual; this artist, was more than just that. He was and always will be considered a legend everywhere.
In honor of the late King of Pop we found some of our favorite (and most iconic) photos to share with you. May MJ rest in peace in the heavens, and forever in our hearts. xo

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